Should You Paint the Walls, Ceiling or Trim First?
When considering a new paint job for your home, you may wonder what order you should tackle each room. Should you paint the walls first and then the ceiling? Or maybe you should start with the trim and work your way out? The professional painters at Two Dudes Painting Company have some advice to help you make the best decision for your space.
Walls vs. Ceilings
The age-old debate of whether to paint the walls or ceiling first has raged for decades. Some say that painting the ceiling first is the way to go because if any paint drips occur, they will land on the walls and not ruin your freshly painted ceiling. Others claim that painting the walls first is a better option because it allows drips to fall onto the floor, which is much easier to clean up than paint on a ceiling.
Trim vs. Walls
When painting trim, many people do this before starting on the walls. The reasoning is that it’s easier to tape off the trim than off the walls. Plus, if you make any mistakes while painting the trim, they will be much less noticeable once the walls are painted. However, some people prefer to paint the walls first and then do the trim because they find it simpler to create clean lines this way.
No matter which route you decide to take, there are a few things that you should keep in mind. First, make sure that you prep your surfaces before starting to paint. This means taking care of any cracks or holes in the walls/ceiling and wiping down surfaces, so they are free of dirt and debris. Second, always use painter’s tape when necessary to create straight lines and avoid making a mess. And finally, don’t forget to invest in good quality paint brushes and rollers – they will make a world of difference!
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